Pictet, UK

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Leading European wealth and asset management company Pictet had recently refurbished the upper floors of Moor House when they required an upgrade to their reception and tenth floor.

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Office Design, Construction


30,000 Sq ft


London, UK

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The brief

The brief was to refurbish these areas to the same standard as the other floors by giving them a modern look and feel, while the building remained in occupation. Supporting Pictet’s ambition to attract and retain highly talented individuals, the solution also needed to include exceptional staff wellbeing facilities.

The solution

Before work commenced on site, a detailed phased project programme was produced to ensure disruption to day-to-day working was minimised. This also gave the stakeholders at Pictet the opportunity to ratify the programme before the project started, in turn minimising any issues that may have arisen when working in an occupied building.

Pictet’s reception and tenth floor have been completely refreshed to provide productive working areas, state-of-the-art meeting rooms as well as exceptional staff facilities. Wanting to maximise views over the City, the reception was relocated from its previous hived-off location to be a prominent fixture within the floor’s main entrance.

Supporting employee wellbeing, breakout areas and coffee spaces have been incorporated within the working areas on the tenth floor, and a full service café has been also installed to provide restaurant quality breakfast, lunch and dinner options.

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Project insight

Darren Sansom, Project Director at Area commented, “It’s always a pleasure to work with companies like Pictet who really value their staff. Attracting and retaining the talented people that work for Pictet is very important to them, therefore, the facilities they provide need to support and reflect this. The exceptional breakout areas, coffee points and the full-service restaurant are second to none in terms of standard and quality. In addition, the stunning reception area and meeting room amenities also offer visiting clients a fantastic experience.”

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