
Workplaces Across Europe

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Lost in (work) space?

Physical vs. remote: the modern workforce’s most hotly contested conflict

As far as contests go, physical vs. remote working is definitely a topical one.

But if the latest research is anything to go by, it looks like this showdown has reached a bit of a stalemate.

According to Microsoft’s 2021 Work Trend Index of more than 30,000 workers in 31 countries, the sentiment for the debate is almost equally split. The research found that while 70% of employees want flexible remote work options to continue, over 65% are craving more in-person time with their teams.

“82% of workers felt their office layout needs rethinking in the post-pandemic era”

So, what’s the answer?

Well, many organisations across Europe are looking towards a hybrid solution to solve the conundrum. In fact, 66% of business decision-makers have already considered redesigning physical spaces to better accommodate hybrid work environments, reports Microsoft. And they’re not alone.

Staggeringly, 83% out of 9,000 workers included in an Accenture survey felt a hybrid work model would be the optimal solution going forward. And our own research revealed that 82% of workers felt their office layout needs reshaping or rethinking in the post-pandemic era - with 39% prioritising new technology over other features.

But as we return to the workplace in a post-pandemic reality, there’s a lot to consider to get things right. Navigating this very uncertain terrain means balancing three big C’s:

  1. Culture
  2. Collaboration
  3. Construction

And with the future of the workplace taking an unexpected turn, rattling a few of our cages (or should we say offices), we felt now was the time to share our extensive knowledge, learnings, and advice through this guide. A blueprint guide designed to illuminate a path forwards and help you confidently navigate collaboration, construction and culture in the modern workplace.

The first in our series of informative guides explains trends, innovative designs and forward-thinking methodologies rolling out across the UK, mainland Europe and beyond.

Our aim is to help you future-proof your workplace from wherever you are so you can be ready for whatever comes next.

If reading this guide sparks any thoughts, questions or debates, do get in touch. We always welcome being involved in the conversation.

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